You will find much of the information you need about Skyborne within these pages. However we have pulled out some frequently asked questions below. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch using the button at the bottom of the page.
The minimum age for flight training at Skyborne Airline Academy is 18 years.
There are about 210.5 flying hours from zero through the CFI completion and about 45.5 simulator hours.
Training at Skyborne conditions pilots for a professional flying career whether it be in commercial, cargo, or business aviation.
If you are meeting your marks, you can progress more quickly. If you need a bit more time, we will work with you.
Yes, we have a 24 hour fitness center on site accessed via a pin code, that contains free weights, dumbbells, cables, benches, and 2 treadmills.
Skyborne has a fleet of 55 Piper aircraft on campus consisting of a healthy combination of Warrior, Arrow, Pilot 100i, and Seminole models.
Skyborne has a finance and funding partnership in place through major funding partner – Sallie Mae. You can find the link under the ‘About’ section.
There are intakes each month and applicants will be screened according to their availability. For example, if you’re looking to start in 12 months’ time, your application will be screened and then put on hold to progress with the selection process nearer to your available time.
Living on site is not required but strongly encouraged for full training immersion and convenient travel between accommodation and training center.
Ground school M-F 8AM-4PM. Flight schedules vary, and students fly 3-5 times a week. Each flight requires 2-3 hours of studying.
Our main goal is to maintain a 6-1 student to instructor ratio.
We are currently not accredited to receive federal funding such as the GI Bill. Please monitor our websites/social media for an update on this in the future.
We are currently not accredited to receive federal funding such as the 529 Plan.
We have class start dates on the first Monday of each month.
Foreign visas are currently not being sponsored.
You cannot attend Skyborne with any rating (PPL or more). However, we will accept students with hours towards their PPL without completing their license. You will also need to restart your PPL training with us, as your hours in that course will not transfer. Your previous flight hours will still be valid under total time.
If you wish to apply for the FAA 141 program, you will be required to complete the skill assessment as part of the application process. This consists of an online aptitude test and an interview with our recruitment team, following successful completion of these two elements you will be offered a place at Skyborne! For more information on the Skyborne Selection Process, view our guide.
Our policy is to work with each student individually to allow them to progress at their own pace. However, multiple failures of either ground school or flight courses will require a Training Review by the staff and can result in training termination if no progress is being observed.
Employment as an instructor is not guaranteed as it is based on both Skyborne’s staffing needs and student performance during training.
Our course flow and hours are designed for the average student’s progression. If additional flying hours are required due to student performance, both the student and Skyborne will agree on a specific cost which is then included in an “Additional Training Agreement” format called an ATA.
There is an inground pool, student lounges, grill-pits, a sand volleyball court and a basketball court. Plenty of events are held around campus including basketball tournaments, bake sales, SOUPer Friday and celebration of holidays for domestic and international students.
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